
Friday, March 11, 2011

Roller Coaster

Lately life has been a roller coaster... and despite wanting to cruise along I have found myself as I often do holding on for dear life- clinging to the details, distracting from the truth, and keeping all too busy-but neglecting to see the whole picture... In 10 years from now what about the good and bad of today will really matter?
We are fortunate to have orders to someplace in the states that we can see ourselves settling in to. Our dear friends who are expecting got the wonderful news of a baby girl! Friends that we consider family, and who despite whatever obstacles have been steadfast in their devotion to each other and to the family they are adding to now :0) and Riley's eyes after glasses, patching and surgery are straight and she is able to use both! Which sounds like a small victory, but binocular vision for Riley is a gift from God, and of course Nemours (Dr. Duss <3). We are so very thankful....
The lows have been tremendous as well... a very special, brave and amazing person in my family is fighting for her life against lymphoma- her spirit and bravery make everything else seem so small.... She will beat this, she believes it, I believe it, and she has the support of an entire community. Truly inspiring.
10 years from now, whether or not we live here or there, whether I get an A in my pharmacology class... does it really matter?
No. Being as good a mother, wife, friend and person that I can... THAT is what matters.
No doubt the world is collectively grieving for those injured, killed and affected by the earthquake in Japan are pausing to put into perspective how precious life is. I watched with baited breath today for posts of a dear friend and her children who are stationed in Japan... relocating there just a few months ago. Her bravery, strength, and determination to survive amazed me.
These women, and so many other people I am so blessed to have in my life are beautiful in every way.
I have been ill- mostly forgetting I am human, I have to breathe, relax, eat, sleep... just be. Somehow I seem to forget those little vital things which I read about, study about, and preach to others about... taking your own advice is always the hardest isn't it....
Everything has been put into perspective.....  

When life is like a roller coaster.... remember who you are, and what is important at the end of the ride. 

Relief for Japan   

God Bless..

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